ALEA Genetički Centar Vam nudi uslugu sekvenciranja gena na nasavremenijim instrumentima što garantuje preciznost i senzitivnost analiza. Sekvenciranje gena, koji su bitni za dijagnostiku, prognozu i tretman različitih vrsta kancera, se obavlja na sekvencerima nove generacije – Illumina platformi (NextSeq™ 550DX instrumentu i MiSeq™ instrumentu)
In the AGC laboratory, you can get the service of analysis of various mutations from plasma or cancer tissue. By using the state-of-the-art QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System for highly accurate detection of low-frequency mutations, the patient can have an accurate view of the cancer condition. With the help of ddPCR devices, we are able to provide the most advanced liquid biopsy analysis of oncology patients, which potentially detects pathogenic mutations in the target genes from the patient's plasma.
Analyses in the field of oncogenetics are certainly the most necessary and most important for patients diagnosed with any type of cancer due to the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the disease.
Services and prices
These services are recommended for accurate diagnosis of patients. Click on each one for more information.
Sekvenciranje BRCA 1 i 2 gena
Next Generation Sequencing panel for the detection of somatic mutations in patient tissue. The panel covers complete BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
Onkološki panel sekvenciranja - preko 50 gena
Next Generation Sequencing panel for the detection of somatic mutations in the tissue of patients with lung and colon cancer. The panel includes over 50 genes (KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, TP53, PIK3CA, etc.) involved in tumor genesis, prediction and therapy. The analysis of these genes represents the gold standard of molecular pathology in the world due to the informative decision of the doctor about the patient's therapy.
Molekularna analiza KRAS gena (G12/G13) (tkivo)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. With this method, it is possible to detect one mutated allele in 10,000 normal alleles. Molecular analysis of the KRAS gene is highly recommended for the treatment of oncology patients.
Molekularna analiza KRAS gena (G12/G13) (tečna biopsija)
Detekcija rijetkih mutacija pomoću droplet digital PCR-a (ddPCR). Prag detekcije mutacija je 0,01%. Ovom metodom je moguće detektovati jedan mutirani alel u 10 000 normalnih alela. Visoko se preporučuje molekularna analiza KRAS gena zbog terapije onkoloških pacijenata. Moguće je raditi analizu iz tečne biopsije što predstavlja potpuno neinvazivnu metodu, kao i odličan način za praćenje bolesti.
Molekularna analiza BRAF gena (V600E) (tkivo)
Detekcija rijetkih mutacija pomoću droplet digital PCR-a (ddPCR). Prag detekcije mutacija je 0,01%. Ovom metodom je moguće detektovati jedan mutirani alel u 10 000 normalnih alela. Posebno je značajna analiza kod melanoma, zbog primjene pametne terapije.
Molekularna analiza BRAF gena (V600E) (tečna biopsija)
Detekcija rijetkih mutacija pomoću droplet digital PCR-a (ddPCR). Prag detekcije mutacija je 0,01%. Ovom metodom je moguće detektovati jedan mutirani alel u 10 000 normalnih alela. Posebno je značajna analiza kod melanoma, zbog primjene pametne terapije. Test je moguće raditi iz tečne biopsije.
Molekularna analiza NRAS gena (G12/13) (tkivo)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. The analysis is significant due to the application of smart therapy.
Molekularna analiza NRAS gena (Q61) (tkivo)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. The analysis is significant due to the application of smart therapy.
Molekularna analiza NRAS gena (Q61) (tečna biopsija)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. The analysis is important due to the application of smart therapy and the test can be done from a liquid biopsy.
Molekularna analiza EGFR gena (L858R mutacija iz uzorka tkiva)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. Detection of a specific mutation is very important due to the application of smart therapy, especially in lung cancer. These are tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
Molekularna analiza EGFR gena (L861Q mutacija iz uzorka tkiva)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. It is the detection of a specific mutation that is very important due to the application of smart therapy, especially in lung cancer. This method involves detection of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The test can be done from a liquid biopsy.
Molekularna analiza EGFR gena (T790M mutacija iz uzorka tkiva)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. This test detects specific mutation that is very important due to the application of smart therapy, especially in lung cancer. This mutation is specific because it occurs as an acquired mutation, if present that means the applied smart therapy will no longer work and needs to be changed.
Molekularna analiza EGFR gena (T790M mutacija iz uzorka tečne biopsije)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. It is the detection of a specific mutation that is very important due to the application of smart therapy, especially in lung cancer. This mutation is specific because it occurs as an acquired mutation, if present that means the applied smart therapy will no longer work and needs to be changed. The test can also be performed from a liquid biopsy.
Molekularna analiza EGFR gena (del19 mutacija iz uzorka tkiva)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. The detection of a specific mutation is very important due to the application of smart therapy, especially in lung cancer.
Molekularna analiza EGFR gena (del19 mutacija iz uzorka tečne biopsije)
Detection of rare mutations using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The threshold for mutation detection is 0.01%. The detection of this specific mutation is very important due to the application of smart therapy, especially in lung cancer. The test can also be performed from a liquid biopsy.
Mikrosatelitska nestabilnost
Molecular analysis on eight different biomarkers by comparative analysis of swabs of buccal mucosa of patient and tissue on SeqStudio sequencer. The test is done because of the prognosis of possible cancer diagnosis. Namely, cancers for microsatellite-stable tumors are associated with a poorer prognosis.
Sekvenciranje i analiza C-KIT-a (GIST)
Sanger sequencing of exons 8, 9, 11, 13 and 17. This gene is associated with GIST and leukemia.
EndoPredict provides information for personalized treatment planning for breast cancer patients. The method is based on the analysis of tumor genes in combination with prognostic factors such as nodal status and tumor size. The analysis is performed on the patient's tissue.
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